Are Cassanova products sold at any other retailers?

Cassanova Collection is sold at our store in North Hollywood at 12439 Victory Blvd. There are no other retail stores or online stores that stock Cassanova Collection clothing.

Can I shop in other currencies other than USD?

All product prices listed are in USD.

I placed an order. When will my package arrive?

The processing time for orders is 3-8 business days, not including weekends. After that, standard delivery time within the United States is 3-6 days, and 10-15 business days internationally. Please keep in mind that during holidays these times may vary.

Orders can be tracked from a tracking number that will be provided in an email to you when the product ships. Please note that it may take several hours from the time an order ships to the time it is first scanned by the carrier into their system.

What method is used for shipping?

Cassanova Collection ships within the U.S., and to most countries worldwide, via USPS and via direct relationships with some international mail carriers within certain countries.

How can I get in touch with your customer service team?

For customer service inquiries only, please E-mail customerservice@cassanovala.com

I emailed your customer service team. When should I expect a response?

We aim to respond to all e-mails within 48 hours. Please note that this timeframe may be extended during holidays and weekends.

Do you offer returns?

No. All sales are final.


You can exchange unwanted and unused items within 14 days of receipt. Please email our customer care team on customerservice@cassanovala.com with details of your order and the items you wish to exchange, and we will inform you of the process.

Faulty Items

Firstly we are sorry, everything is quality controlled but occasionally items slip the net. If you do have any damaged items, you must email us a picture to customerservice@cassanovala.com along with your original order number and we will be happy to replace these for you. Please note if you do not have a picture of the damage we will be unable to help.

Wrong Items

Our mistake - we’re so sorry. Let us fix this by sending an email to customerservice@cassanovala.com along with your order number and a picture of the items you received in error.

What if my item is damaged or defective?

In the unlikely event that a product arrives damaged, or if an item is missing from your order, we will only send replacements/offer a refund for the damaged or missing product if the customer contacts us via email within 14 days of the package being marked as delivered. Customer must include photos of the damaged product.

What if my item is missing?

In the unlikely event that a package arrives and a product from your order is missing, we will only send replacements for the missing product if the customer contacts us via email within 14 days of the package being marked as delivered.


I am an international customer (outside USA) do I have to pay customs and taxes?  

Items shipped outside of the United States may be subject to import duties, taxes and/or charges which are not included in the total cost of your order, nor will they be covered or reimbursed by Cassanova Collection

The customer is responsible for any and all customs charges due on delivery of product.

We are not responsible for any shipping deliveries that may be affected by customs, natural occurrences, transfers from USPS to the local carrier in your country or air and ground transportation strikes or delays once the package has exited the United States.

Please check with your country’s customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to placing your order.

I have not received my order confirmation, what should I do?

Order confirmations can sometimes take up to 2 hours to receive due to high demand. If you have not received your order confirmation E-mail after 24 hours, please contact us at customerservice@cassanovala.com with your inquiry.

Do I need to set up an account to place an order?

No, but by setting up an account you will have access to order and shipping information. You will also be added to our email list for exclusive updates in the future.

Can I change my order once I've placed it?

No, once you place an order it is final.

If you experience any difficulty in accessing any part of this website, please contact us at: customerservice@cassanovala.com